Friday, September 11, 2015

Kids After School Pickup

Kids after school pickup!  So I pick my grandsons up on Thursday and the teacher tells me that Nick was acting up won't sleep during nap time, making noises and when they are on the carpet he is hitting his brother.  So I tell them we usually stop for ice cream but I told them if he could be good on Friday that we would stop for ice cream and I also told the other one to make sure his brother is good.  Friday is here and I pick them up and the teacher says he was not good today so they wanted to stop for ice cream and I said no because you were not good in school today so no ice cream so the one that was not bad Nathan starts kicking my door with his shoe and crying.  What do you do so I asked him several time to stop kicking my door, so I said I am going to tear you up when we get home.  We get home and he sees me coming around to let him out he takes off to get out of the other side of the car but I catch him and spank his leg then he hops to the back of the trunk and I left him in the car because he didn't want to get out.  He stayed in the car his brother wanted to get him out but I said leave him in there, I let him stay a couple of minutes and then I went and had to drag him out the car yelling.  These kids would drive a Nun to drink.

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