Thursday, September 10, 2015

How Do You Do It

Hello, I am not new to blogging but 4 years new to being a grand mother.  I have 2 daughters and 4 grands all under the age of 4.  I have a set of twin boys that are 4 and just started pre-k and a grand daughter that is 2 years old a baby that's 6 months now I think.  I started out keeping the boys in August when school started because my daughter works the second shift so I told her I would keep the boys during the week and get them to and from school (What was I thinking, didn't think that would be so bad) I raised them I'm older now that whats wrong lol.  Now this has turned into a Monday through Sunday because she has moved back home with her other 2 kids and its a daycare in my house again.  How Do You Do It I ask all the mothers out there with young kids Help!!!!

This is my story so I am going to come here and type it 


They are back!    

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