Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Bad Kids What Do You Do

What do you do with bad kids that act out when they are sleepy?  I tried to make them stay up to at least 7:00 pm before I gave them a bath, we went outside to the mail box ran around the yard and then went back inside.  They boys were acting up all day they didn't go to school so no naps at all.  I gave them a bath and tried to put them to bed but to no demise they were very hard headed and a spanking didn't do, they both like to get spankings I think because when I say or give one of them a spanking then the other one does the same exact thing so you have to spank that one also, so I assume they like spankings.  I tried the time out also it works for a while but they were really trying my patience on yesterday, I don't like to get frustrated with them so I walk away and let them have it for a while then I come back and try it again but last night was really trying on my patience.  What do you do?  How do you handle this situation?

Help please I need help!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Toddlers and Panties

Do you all have any 2 year old toddlers? 

 I have one name Natalie and she likes to walk around without her panties, tonight I gave her and her brothers a bath put on her panties and a t-shirt, dressed the boys and when her mom came home from work I go upstairs and find her with out her panties on.  I put panties back on with a fight go down stairs and come back she is upstairs and the panties are sitting on the top step of  the stairs, I go up find her and try to put the panties back on and she tries to get away from me I had to hold her down to put them back on.  Am I the only one dealing with this issue.  2 years old and don't want to wear your panties.

This is her after I put them on the first time she fell out on the floor at the bottom of the steps.

Kids Acting Out in Public

When you take to twin boys to the post office and one starts going up under the tables and the other one wants to touch everything and then start hitting the other one what do you do?  That was my dilemma to with Nick & Nate, Nick wanted to get under the table and Nate wanted to touch everything, so I picked Nick up and held him because he is the smallest and he asked and then Nate wanted to be held and sit up on the counter when I told him he couldn't he got worse.  I had to put both of them down and pay for my money order and that's when Nick started passing licks and I told him to stop and he keeps on of course the postal worked started talking to him she says some times you have to distract them, on the way out Nate wanted some candy I had bought them Chick-fil-A ice cream before we got there so they had ice cream in the car, that what I told him why he started dropping to the ground screaming like I had killed him so I told Nick to get down and I picked up Nate and told Nick to come on then he wanted to stay on the ground I had to pick both of them up and carry them to the car while people were looking at me while they were screaming like I had done something.  I don't like being embarrassed by kids, I couldn't beat their butts like I really wanted too.  So what do you do, how do you deal with the foolishness?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

5:30 am nosie call

So at 5:30 am this morning I was dreaming a great dream to be awakened by little fat feet running across my head and squealing noises coming from above.  My 2 year old grand daughter  was awake and when I got up to see what the problem was she was running back and forth from one bedroom upstairs to the other "Naked" this one loves to be naked if it's not all of her clothes it her underwear.  I asked what was wrong my daughter said she woke up with a fever, I went back to bed because I wasn't feeling well they all had been in my face the weekend they were passing the sick germ so I got one of the bugs myself.  When I awoke again by 10:00 am she was still naked.  I can't with that little girl, she is too much.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday Day Off

So I thought my time was off on the weekends, but no when I wake up and come out of my room who is waiting on me the grand kids.  I walk silently to the kitchen and Nick is sitting in the den on the floor and come up behind me once I get in the kitchen and he say's he wants juice, then I feel him and he is warm with a blanket wrapped around him so I find the Advil and give him some, and the next person I see is Nate and just talking away, I go back to bed but that doesn't work because they are asking for any and everything.  My youngest daughter cooks breakfast for everyone but later when they hear me say I am going somewhere Nate ask me can he go so I tell him to go put his clothes on, hes does, and I sneak out the house with only him, is that wrong?  Well when you have twins when they are together they are Double Trouble but when you have them alone they are much better so when we get back home Nick wants to know  where is Nate and can he go with me.  Oh wow these are the twins on Saturday.

How was your Saturday?  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Kids After School Pickup

Kids after school pickup!  So I pick my grandsons up on Thursday and the teacher tells me that Nick was acting up won't sleep during nap time, making noises and when they are on the carpet he is hitting his brother.  So I tell them we usually stop for ice cream but I told them if he could be good on Friday that we would stop for ice cream and I also told the other one to make sure his brother is good.  Friday is here and I pick them up and the teacher says he was not good today so they wanted to stop for ice cream and I said no because you were not good in school today so no ice cream so the one that was not bad Nathan starts kicking my door with his shoe and crying.  What do you do so I asked him several time to stop kicking my door, so I said I am going to tear you up when we get home.  We get home and he sees me coming around to let him out he takes off to get out of the other side of the car but I catch him and spank his leg then he hops to the back of the trunk and I left him in the car because he didn't want to get out.  He stayed in the car his brother wanted to get him out but I said leave him in there, I let him stay a couple of minutes and then I went and had to drag him out the car yelling.  These kids would drive a Nun to drink.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

How Do You Do It

Hello, I am not new to blogging but 4 years new to being a grand mother.  I have 2 daughters and 4 grands all under the age of 4.  I have a set of twin boys that are 4 and just started pre-k and a grand daughter that is 2 years old a baby that's 6 months now I think.  I started out keeping the boys in August when school started because my daughter works the second shift so I told her I would keep the boys during the week and get them to and from school (What was I thinking, didn't think that would be so bad) I raised them I'm older now that whats wrong lol.  Now this has turned into a Monday through Sunday because she has moved back home with her other 2 kids and its a daycare in my house again.  How Do You Do It I ask all the mothers out there with young kids Help!!!!

This is my story so I am going to come here and type it 


They are back!