Tuesday, October 13, 2015

All 4 Children are Sick!

Hello I know I haven't been on in a while but all the children have been sick.  What do you do 4 at one time that's a lot of doctor calling or just being pulled in all different directions because everyone wants your attention and affection.  The twins have been in pre-k so they are bringing all the germs home to the other 2 who are not in school and making them sick.  This has been going on for a solid month now and I am so tired of it I wake up with a stuffy nose and coughing also.  My daughter took the baby to the doctor on Sunday after I have been telling her since Friday to take her she tells me her card is there you can take her, and I said no mam I a not the mother so you take her, so from Friday to Sunday she finally took her and they did a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia and started treating her for Asthma but I don't think that's whats wrong with her but needless to say I don't have MD behind my name right?  So here we are on Tuesday and they are all still sick and the 2 year old passes out and has a seizure so I said take them all to Hugh Spaulding and let them check them there, they were there all day and all evening and the 2 year old had a seizure at the clinic, they said it came from her temperature spiking, but keep and eye on her they cleaned her ears out and  some other things my daughter didn't tell me everything.  But this is the ongoing of me being a grand mother of 4 called GG, that's me.

Talk to you later.

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